Venus Solar Transit 2012





This series of images were taken on Tuesday June 5th, 2012.  This was a fantastic event to witness first hand as I had missed the previous transit which occured in 2004.  Venus' transit began at approximately 5:05pm CDT, and my very last image was captured at 7:48pm. CDT.  The solar image is a mosaic of 15 images, with an additional 16 images showing Venus' position every 15min after the initial egress.  



TELESCOPE:  Orion 100ED refractor @ F/9.

MOUNT:  Celestron CG-5 ASGT.

CAMERA:  Imaging Source video cam,

FILTERS:  Baader Planetarium Red filter, and an Orion glass solar filter.

SOFTWARE:  Registax V6, Photoshop CS3.



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